Raw materials

 Bhutan is absolutely land locked in every sense. Because of its geographical oddity, there was hardly any interaction between people from different regions as their mobility was constantly restricted by the difficult mountainous terrain. People in different regions had their own distinct languages and variation in their lifestyles and the kind of materials they produced according to the climate and region they live in. In highlands one comes across waterproof tents that yak herders made out of yak hair. For other materials they used the softer felt out of the underbelly wool. Moving on towards warmer climates and more fixed settlement's, one being to realize that sheep wool was primarily raw material for textile. 

The animal based wool or plant based fibre(depending upon which one is used) is then treated processed and spun into yarn for weaving. In the past weavers who wove at home either collected the raw materials directly from the Forest or chose to grow them depending upon their convenience. Modern Bhutan is seeing a change in the weavers life. Machinically processed raw materials are conviently available at their disposal. 


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